About this Blog

Glad you found us! We are dekoposh, Inc. a Tween/Teen company with a mission to empower V.I.T.s (very important tweens and teens) to make positive changes today for a better tomorrow by volunteering, giving back, becoming leaders, and teaching others to do the same. The Green4Kids Blog is our Deko and Posh Recycle Club. The Deko and Posh Recycle Club (Green4Kids) is a recycle club that any elementary, middle, or high school student can start at their school. Deko and Posh teach the kids to start a recycle program at their school and learn how to give back! The recycle program teaches the kids how to recycle, how to work as a team, how to give back to their community, and how to help raise money for their school. Email us at info@dekoposh.com if you would like to start a Deko and Posh Recycle Club at your school today! PTA parents are welcome to contact us.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

5 Tips to Be Green

1) Create a nontoxic all-purpose cleaner from peppermint oil, distilled white vinegar and water.

2) Buy only organic versions of fruits known to have the highest pesticide levels: peaches, apples, nectarines, strawberries, cherries

3) Store food in glass. Leftovers that sit in plastic containers may sop up hidden chemicals.

4) Cut down on plastic toys. Try wood with natural oil finishes or plush toys made with untreated cotton instead.

5) Look for sheets made from linen, hemp or bamboo. For conventional bedding, wash before use to rinse away manufacturing residues.

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